Manage the risk and expense of horse ownership with equine insurance

Horses are the classic example of Murphy’s Law: if there is a way to get themselves into trouble, they’ll find it. Equine major medical and surgical insurance helps the horse owner manage the risk and expense of horse ownership.

This type of insurance, which provides coverage for the reasonable and customary veterinary fees due to accident, illness, injury, disease, or lameness, can only be purchased as an endorsement of an existing mortality policy. In the case of colic surgery, the coverage on this policy is in addition to the $3000 to $5000 limits on the typical mortality policy.

Most expenses for surgery, medications, hospitalizations, diagnostic tests, lab work, lameness exams, and most lameness treatments are covered by the policy up to the limits of the policy.

The limits of coverage, deductibles, and premiums are variable.  Also, it is important to understand that equine medical insurance is not like health insurance for people. This medical coverage helps to defray some of the expenses but is not as comprehensive in covering costs as health insurance. Also, most equine medical policies do not cover a veterinarian’s farm call or trip charge fees.  

There are several options for the standard medical and surgical endorsement:

  • Only surgical coverage

  • Colic coverage

  • Accident and illness coverage

Worldwide protection and coverage just for importing or exporting a horse are also available. There are lots of options.  Call us and we’ll help you get the protection you want.


Is equine "Loss of Use" insurance still a prudent decision?


Extended Replacement Cost