Keep in touch with your insurance agent (in good times, too!)

As a small insurance agency, we make relationships a priority. We stay in touch with clients and have annual reviews to be sure we're covering all our client's needs as their lives change. And since we are a broker agency, we are not captive to a single insurance company and can offer alternatives and options to clients who may want to make a change for a variety of reasons.

We also work to make sure we educate our clients about important aspects of insurance such as what is umbrella insurance and whether is it for you. Does your home require high-value insurance coverage? And what limits should you carry on your auto insurance?

And we tell our clients that when big things happen in their lives call us. It is understood you should call your insurance agent if you have an accident or disaster that requires a claim. But for other special life events, it might be a good idea to give us a call. There are some important life changes that can impact your insurance coverage. If any of the following life changes happen to you, give us a call to discuss how it might impact your insurance coverage, whether it is your personal, business, or equine coverage:

  1. You are getting married or divorced. Or your spouse has passed away.

  2. You are moving or buying/renting a new property.

  3. You bought a new car.

  4. You bought a boat (or motorcycle, recreational vehicle, or another fun motorized toy such as a golf cart!)

  5. You are starting your own business.

  6. You are finally renovating your home.

  7. You have a new teen driver in the house.

  8. You have purchased or inherited something expensive.

  9. Your child is heading off to college.

  10. You have installed a security system in your home.

  11. You bought a new horse.

  12. You are breeding your horse.

  13. You are traveling internationally with your horse.

  14. You are expanding your business in some way.

  15. You are retiring.

  16. You put on a new roof.

  17. You have invested in some rental property.


Why add Rental Reimbursement Coverage to your auto policy?


ID theft prevention tips